Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Heart disease

Hey! Help the people in need of heart medication or anything else heart related. Participate in hoops for heart if you are a kid or donate at http://amha.convio.net/site/TR/HoopsforHeart/FDA-FoundersAffiliate?px=2393763&pg=personal&fr_id=1430 this is a site that links to my page. Donate and help those in need. Please.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Hey, hey, hey! I know I was not here for a long time, but let me tell you something. You have to buy local because the farther your food is the more gas is used to transport it. Try going to a local farmer's market or buying food from places within a hundred mile radius. Go Green!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


You know how the saying goes reuse, reduce, recycle?
Well, today we are focusing on reusing.
There are lots of ways to do this, one way is to buy reusable things like tupperware for sandwiches, metal or plastic bottles for drinks, or lunch boxes that use recycled materials like plastic bottles.
One place you can buy this is greengearbag.com or you can just click on the ad for recycled supermarket bags (don't forget to wash them though).
Try it and one step at a time we all can help save the world

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Hi again! Well, I know what you're thinking GARBAGE?!
Well yes that's exactly what I'm talking about. How to save the earth with all your organic garbage.
What I'm talking about is composting.
Basically you get a compost bin and put some rotton organic "garbage" and a few fresh branches.
You have to wait quite a LONG time, but still it's very helpful.
As well as saving the oceans for another garbage dump, you can use the compost you create to plant your plants.
It acts like a fertilizer, and provides food and nutrition for the plants.
So get your own compost bin or maybe you can go to your local composting spot and give them your organic garbage and get yourself a bag of compost.
Hope this helps!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Believe it or not, but you can help the earth by just changing what you use to transport yourself. 
Use buses instead of your regular car, or use a train, or any other public transportation.
You can write a letter to your governor or senator to tell them to expand the public transportation systems.
You can use electric cars to help stop a little more pollution from gas cars.
You'll also save gas! Which you can use to power your stove if it's gas.
So try it out!
Hope this helped in your quest to helping the earth!

Monday, April 26, 2010

"Green Hour"

Ever feel like your child is just playing too much X-box, PS3, or any computer games? Well here's an idea. Have a GREEN HOUR!

Green Hour is...
  1. A great way to save a little energy.
  2. A wonderful way to spend that hour playing with friends instead of hurting your eyes by pretty much gluing them to the screen.
  3. An amazing way to relax while your child plays outside instead of his gaming system that is so loud and hurtful to the ears.
So, TRY IT OUT!! It might just work for you!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saving the Earth while doing everyday things

You can help while doing everyday things like if you are bringing a bagged lunch, use a reusable lunch bag. Other things you can do are...
  1. You can bring reusable water bottles instead of using a plastic cup that you know that you will throw out later.
  2. Try not to use plastic or paper plates, cups, or utensils. I know that when parties come you just don't want to wash anything. Just try not to use them in everyday life. During parties you can use it. (free country!)
  3. Try to walk to school with your child on warm, sunny days instead of driving there. If you don't want to walk, you can always bike or skateboard or etc. If the school is far away, maybe you could arrange a car pool with your neighbors.
  4. Make sure that all lights are closed when no one is occupying the room.
  5. Make sure that the sinks are not dripping or leaking.
These are some thing YOU can do to help!